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USD 273 Beloit

Junior & Senior High

HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) Workshop

HOBY Workshop (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar): ****Any interested sophomores, let me know by this Friday, November 22nd if you would like to be put on the list of potential nominees.   2 Sophomore . . .

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Career Opportunity at The EyeCare Center in Beloit

Here is a career opportunity at The EyeCare Center here in Beloit that you could go into directly without any formal training; they would provide on the job training for you.  Job:   EyeCare Technician   . . .

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13 CTE Pathway Offerings at Beloit High School

We have 13 Career & Technical Education pathways at Beloit High School.  Click on the  13 Pathways at Beloit High School to learn more about each pathway!

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NCAA Eligibility Center

NCAA Eligibility Center:  If you are interested in playing sports at the collegiate level in a Division 1, 2, or 3, you need to be registered in the NCAA Eligibility Center (formerly known as the NCAA Clearinghouse). You can register . . .

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Registering with the Selective Service

All male seniors are required by law to register with the Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday.  Register by going to:   https://www.sss.gov/register/

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