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USD 273 Beloit

District Information


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District Contact Information:



Board of Education                                                                       MCPC

3075 A US HWY 24                                                                         Phone:  (785) 738-3055 ext. 1

PO Box 547                                                                                     Brady Dean, Director

Beloit, KS  67420                                                                             bdean@usd273.org

Phone:  (785) 738-3261

Fax:  (785) 738-4103                                                                      Parents As Teachers

Jeff Travis, Superintendent                                                             Phone:  (785) 738-3055 ext. 3

jtravis@usd273.org                                                                         Amanda McGuire, Director



Beloit Elementary School                                                             MCELC

1201 N Bell                                                                                      Phone:  (785) 738-3055 ext. 2

PO Box 586                                                                                     Charissa Brummer, Director

Beloit, KS  67420                                                                             cbrummer@usd273.org

Phone:  (785) 738-3581                                                                 

Fax:  (785) 738-3357                                                                       School Age Program

Janet Porter, Principal                                                                      Phone:  (785) 569-1493


Garry Lowry, Asst. Principal                                                                     



Beloit Jr/Sr High School                                                               Grounds & Maintenance

1711 N Walnut                                                                                 Phone:  (785) 738-3593

PO Box 606                                                                                     Rodney Palen, Director

Beloit, KS  67420                                                                             rpalen@usd273.org

Phone:  (785) 738-3593

Fax:  (785) 738-5566

Casey Seyfert, Principal                                                                 Transportation

cseyfert@usd273.org                                                                      Phone:  (785) 534-2409

Kyle Beisner, Asst. Principal & A.D.                                                Keith Kresin, Director

kbeisner@usd273.org                                                                     kkresin@usd273.org



Beloit Special Education Coop

1714 N Hersey Ave

PO Box 506

Beloit, KS  67420

Phone:  (785) 738-5275

Toll Free:  (888) 738-5275

Fax:  (785) 738-9967

Christie Gerdes, Director


Cassie Kopsa, Asst. Director
