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USD 273 Beloit

Junior & Senior High


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USD #273 Endowment Association Scholarships Available


The USD #273 Endowment Association Scholarship application has opened today!
This Endowment Association gives away roughly $23,000 - $26,000 to just our Beloit High School graduates.

Not everyone who applies will earn a scholarship, but we encourage ALL of you to take advantage of this opportunity; this is the one scholarship application you should NOT overlook this year.

Read through the attached information thoroughly; there is a letter explaining the process, along with images of the online application. The application is all submitted electronically. Your name should NOT be on any documents other than your cover letter.  It is okay if it is on your transcript, however, and you will need to get an electronic copy of your transcript from me when you are ready for it.  If you write any essays for some of the scholarships, you will want to put the name of the scholarship in the title of your document.  

Deadline: NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. APRIL 10, 2023

USD #273 Endowment Association Scholarship Guidelines

Apply online HERE